Monday, June 18, 2012


Some may be a mixture of both:) these could work 2

Find Your Style Here:)

A Tall Girl's Guide To Clothes

For those who are tall like me, when choosing something to wear, look for something to compliment your height:) for me, i have a poochie stomach as well and big thighs which makes it  hard. what i do is pick out things that make me look slimmer like tops that aren't skin tight, but flowy, like this top i have on here. i pair it with my black skinny jeans, because its always good to contrast with your clothes or makeup or whatever. then i put a little lacey cover up over it to make it unique and give it a lil style:) then id wear converse with them as well. skinny jeans make my legs look long and if i pull my tank top over my thighs, it minimizes them and makes them look smaller.

preppy style

First off, find your style:) if preppy is what u like, then these are good looks for you:) of course this is just generic, and there are other little things that are needed when picking out clothes, but ill get to that later;)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

see my style on my pinterest!

see my pinterest to see more styles:)

edgy style

For those who like a little edge to their style, try these. Black Skinny jeans with a higher rise at the top are slimming, especially the higher rise, so you wont have a muffin top. the flowy shirt is cute with the skinnies and is also girly but not too girly and its nice and flowy for a hot day. And lastly, a cute vest over a t-shirt is perfect for the edgy style:) 

My Story

To start off, i would like to post that I am a firm believer that EVERYONE has their own beauty and that this blog is for you to know how to enhance that beauty and make you feel beautiful inside and out. when i was little, i wasn't the "cutest" child, in my opinion, and i was a little chubby and i was also made fun of because i was born with a developmental delay. At the time, my parents had gone through a divorce and plus, i wasn't very into sports or anything either and to top it off our family has a VERY big sweet tooth, so obviously i never thought of myself as "beautiful". But soon later, my father got married again and my step mother has helped me change drastically and now i feel a lot more confident in myself and i know that im not the ugly chubby child i used to be haha. So here's this blog for you to feel beautiful and confident yourself. I hope I can be a service to you all! :) I love you!